Hindu Names of God
Lord of the Universe
Maintainer of the whole creation
The Source of all sweetness
Creator of all
Sustainer of all
Perfect King
Love Itself
Destroyer of Evil
Remover of Obstacles
Worthy of adoration
Worthy of being known
Worthy of being sought after
Worthy of being realized
The Only One indivisible
The One in whom all dwells
The One who resides in all
Source and Support of all
Dissolver of all
Life of all
Mightier than the mightiest
All Blissful
The Resplendant
Giver of light
Infinite Knowledge
Infinite Power
Perfect Knowledge
The One who is One Alone
Encompassing all things
Supreme Self
Supreme Name
Lover of all
Worthy of being loved by all
The most excellent
Holiest of all
Most desired by the righteous
Most sought after
Great Judge
Giver of the fruits of deeds
True Teacher
Greatest of the great
Infinite Energy
Ruler over all
Abode of all
Greater than all
Life and Light of the universe
Inner Being of all things
Supreme Soul in every soul
Helper and aid of the righteous
Knower of all
Enlightener of all
Worthy of praise
Bestower of happiness
Bringer of dissolution
The One who contains all
Bringer of remorse
Pervader of all
Source of all bliss
Purifier of souls
Perfection of Purity
Freer of souls from suffering
Always was
Always will be
Omnipresent God
Giver of all worth giving
Receiver of all worth receiving
One who keeps all in order
Supporter of all
Protector of all
Giver of happiness to all
Loving Father
Father of fathers
Mother of all
Caregiver to all
Source of all true knowledge
Source of righteousness
Teacher of all true knowledge
Without boundaries or limits
Without beginning or first cause
One who exists in all times
One who is
beyond time
True Consciousness
Firm, Immovable, Immortal
Giver of freedom from sin
Essence of Purity
Holy, Eternal, Omniscient, Free
Lord of Hosts
Benefactor of all
Light of the World
Embodiment of Love
The Self-Existent
The Un-Created
The Self-Luminous

"Lord of the Dance"
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