Hindu religious traditions are possibly the oldest and most diverse of any in the world. Hinduism includes well-developed religious traditions in every one of these different types. There are traditions that are radically monotheistic, while others are more polytheistic or pantheistic. Most Hindu traditions incorporate elements of all of these. There are a number of Hindu religious traditions that, like Buddhism and Jainism, have no conceptions of God and so are among the atheist or non-theist religions.
Hinduism has taken monotheism to the next level, however, to monism. Monism holds that there is not merely only one God, but one Absolute Eternal Reality. Everything that exists is an aspect of that one Reality. Nothing has any inherent reality on it’s own, but derives its existence and reality from the un-created Supreme Reality.
There is no duality between God and all else. It is not God and creation but only God. Creation and non-creation; all that is and all that is not; everthing conceived and unconceived; all is derived from and exists in and through God. The Reality at the heart of each particle of everything that is, is God. Our reality, our very existence is borrowed from the only true Reality and Existence which is God.
For some Hindu traditions this Ultimate Reality is personal God, for others it is impersonal God and for still others it is not characterized as God at all.

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